Mount Olympus, a divine place to be!

Aug 27 2013

Although almost a year before ,I felt obligated to post an older trip to Mighty Olympus. Just for the story Mount Olympus was the lightest and most worshipped mountain of Greece. A magnificent place with numerous forests and gorges and summits of different heights, blessed with mild climate, and surrounded by Ouranos, the heaven in our mythology. According to Myth it never rained on Mount Olympus nor was it ever windy, only some clouds were appearing from time to time to isolate the god’s kingdom from the outside world and bless the world with water.

Now in reality, Mount Olympus is the highest mountain of Greece and the second highest in the Balkans. It is raised close to the village of Litochoro in Northern Thessalia, in the borders of the prefectures of Pieria and Larissa. Its tallest point is called “Mytika” or “Pantheon” (2.917 m.)

For most of the winter is closing down to public as it gets heavy snowfall and can be very dangerous .Overlanddiaries made it there just before closing in the mid of November. In our mission the crew was ,except my self ,Nikolas Michos and Mixalis Christakis .If you ever get the chance do the climp to Mitikas and you will feel at the top defiantly as a god.

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  • alibaba2000gr says:

    Keep on Traveling

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